Unified Metrics Library - Anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies
Helper question
Anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies define the organization’s commitment to prevent corruption and bribery cases to avoid any legal and reputational risks associated with. Policies contain definitions, any standards that is followed and applied national/international frameworks.
Regulatory Definition
Article 2(1) of the EU Framework Decision provides that "Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the following intentional conduct constitutes a criminal offence, when it is carried out in the course of business activities: (a) promising, offering or giving, directly or through an intermediary, to a person who in any capacity directs or works for a private-sector entity an undue advantage of any kind, for that person or for a third party, in order that that person should perform or refrain from performing any act, in breach of that person's duties; (b) directly or through an intermediary, requesting or receiving an undue advantage of any kind, or accepting the promise of such an advantage, for oneself or for a third party, while in any capacity directing or working for a private-sector entity, in order to perform or refrain from performing any act, in breach of one's duties
In a business context, anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies can include company’s specific actions to prevent false or misleading financial reporting, procurement fraud, embezzlement, bribery, and a range of other acts such as trading of information and extortion.