Unified Metrics Library - Gender diversity policy
Helper question
Did the company have a policy to promote equal opportunity and diversity, during the period?
Gender diversity policy makes an organization’s commitment to treating people of all genders
equally, providing them equal pay rate for equal work.
Boolean: Yes or No
Gender diversity in the workplace means equal treatment and access of employees regardless of gender to recruitment, promotion and training activities along with mentoring and decision-making bodies.
Regulatory Definition
Gender equality entails equal rights for women and men, girls and boys, as well as the same visibility, empowerment, responsibility and participation, in all spheres of public and private life.
- [Council of Europe, Gender Equality Strategy 2018 - 2023](https://rm.coe.int/prems-093618-gbr-gender-equality-strategy-2023-web-a5/16808b47e1
- Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (recast)
The gender diversity policy should assist the organisation in goals like achievement of equal pay for work of equal value, prevention and elimination of violence and harassment, and creating a harmonious work-life balance for both women and men in the workplace